The Cargo Letter

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Air & Ocean Logistics - Customs Broker News
30 October 2001

Good Tuesday Morning from our Observation Deck...... overlooking the officially designated "Cargo City" area and....... Runway 25-Right, at Los Angeles International Airport, voted "Best Cargo Airport in North America".

Contribute your knowledge, stories & company information ........ by e-mail to The Cargo Letter. We strive to bring you useful information which is timely & topical. Be sure to visit our web site:

To post comments or discuss articles, go to .......

Michael S. McDaniel, Editor & Publisher, Countryman & McDaniel, forwarder/broker attorneys at LAX.

INDEX to The Cargo Letter:

Our Top Story: In The Wake |
Section A: Section: Trade, Financial & Inland News |
Section B: FF World Air News |
Section C: FF World Ocean News | Section D: FF in Cyberspace |
Section E: The Forwarder Broker World

OUR Top Story: In The Wake

In The Wake ......Some 50 days after the World Trade Center was destroyed, the fires still burn, and the war against terrorism continues, in the wake. May God Bless America.


------------------ INLAND MODE
------------------ TRADE
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Please click below for other sections:
Our Top Story: In the Wake |
Section A: Section: Trade, Financial & Inland News |
Section B: FF World Air News |
Section C: FF World Ocean News | Section D: FF in Cyberspace |
Section E: The Forwarder Broker World

The Cargo Letter Correspondents:
Michael S. McDaniel, Esq., Editor (Countryman & McDaniel).
Cameron W. Roberts, Esq. (Countryman & McDaniel).

Written from wire stories, the Associated Press, Reuters, Hong Kong Shipping News Lloyds & other world sources.

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